Civil & Infrastructure Division of CSCEC ME Awarded Improvement and Upgrading of Al Badee Interchange on Emirates Road (E611)

Civil & Infrastructure Division of CSCEC ME Awarded Improvement and Upgrading of Al Badee Interchange on Emirates Road (E611)

Civil & Infrastructure Division of CSCEC Middle East received the Letter of Acceptance from Ministry of Public Works to be the Main Contractor for Improvement and Upgrading of Al Badee Interchange on Emirates Road (E611) on October 21st. The total contract value is AED 152 Million which is equivalent to US Dollars 41 Million and the contract duration is 730 days.

The Al Badee Interchange Project is located in the border of Sharjah and Dubai at the intersection of Emirates Road and Sharjah Maliha Road. This upgrade of the interchange provides a high capacity directional ramp for the traffic movement between Sharjah and Dubai which will expect to improve the traffic operation of the interchange significantly. The length of the required upgrading are about 5.8 km Emirates Road and about 3.88 km of Sharjah Maliha Road. It also includes four bridges and connecting ramps with MSE walls, improvement of road lighting network and drainage network, etc.

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By | 2017-11-20T01:29:26+00:00 November 5th, 2015|News, Old From Website|0 Comments

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