Li Haifeng, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC, National Committee Visited CSCEC ME Viceroy Hotel Project

Li Haifeng, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC, National Committee Visited CSCEC ME Viceroy Hotel Project

Madame Li Haifeng, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC, National Committee led the delegation to visit the CSCEC ME Viceroy Hotel Project in Palm Jumeirah, Dubai on 19th November, 2015. Ambassador Chang Hua, Consul General Li Lingbing, CPPCC National Committee member Peng Xiaofeng were present during the visit.

On the site of Viceroy Hotel Project, Mr. Yu Tao, President & CEO of CSCEC ME, along with the Company Management extended warm welcome to Madame Li Haifeng and her delegation for their visit. Mr. Yu then delivered a presentation regarding the business operation of CSCEC and its overseas development, especially emphasizing the achievements CSCEC ME obtained in the Middle East. Mr. Yu summarized the Company’s ten-year development as of “creating one brand and realizing three targets”, interpreted as building up the well-known branding of CSCEC in Middle East construction market, achieving three targets in terms of business  expansion, prompt and timely collection of receivables as well as implementing the strategy of internationalization and localization.

Madame Li Haifeng highly appreciated the accomplishments CSCEC ME made. She expressed that she was proud of being a Chinese as these landmark buildings undertaken by CSCEC were seen as business cards to build up the branding of CSCEC and represent the image for Chinese companies. After a decade of development, CSCEC ME had expanded its business scale, created more employment opportunities, won many prestigious awards so as to gain good reputation for Chinese. Besides, Madame Li Haifeng was very impressed by Mr. Yu and the Company Management for their hard work and dedication for working in the Middle East for over ten years. She hoped that CSCEC would continue to seize the future opportunities in the GCG countries, further develop itself and contribute more to the local society.

At the end, Madame Li Haifeng awarded a silk banner to CSCEC ME on behalf of CPPCC and greeted everybody on behalf of the Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee to express their gratitude to the staff of CSCEC ME for their contribution.

Mr. Tian Sanchuan, Mr. Wang Maosheng, Mr. Dong Wei, (Executive) Vice Presidents of CSCEC ME, Mr. Ma Wenlong, President Assistant, representatives from Executive General Office and Viceroy Hotel Project Management Team attended the activity as well.

李海峰副主席一行与中东公司员工合影留念  李海峰副主席代表全国政协向余涛总经理颁发锦旗  李海峰副主席听取余涛总经理的工作汇报

By | 2017-11-20T01:31:32+00:00 November 22nd, 2015|News, Old From Website|0 Comments

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