MTB Midfield Terminal Steel Structures sub-contract for Abu Dhabi International airport

MTB Midfield Terminal Steel Structures sub-contract for Abu Dhabi International airport

On January 10, 2013, CSCEC Middle East was awarded Awarded the construction of the steelworks of the Abu Dhabi Midfield Terminal Central Processor for a contract value of 600 Million AED (163 Million USD). A total of 45,000 tons of structural steel will be fabricated and erected within 28 months.

Abu Dhabi Airport 1

The award of this project is an outcome of a collaboration between CSCEC Middle East and its sister company China Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd.

With a total build-up area of 700,000sqm, the ‘X’-shaped Abu Dhabi Midfield Terminal is comprised of a 6-floor-central processor and 4 piers. Upon completion, the piers will accommodate up to 65 aircrafts; check-in will be capable of handling around 8,500 passengers per hour; with a baggage system that can process over 19,000 bags per hour.

Abu Dhabi Airport 2

This project was designed by US leading designer Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF), and one of the most complex steel structures in the Middle East Region. The Central Processor Area Roof is composed of 18 curved steel arches, the biggest span of single arch up to 180 meters, with 50 meters in height and self-weights around 800 tons.

Abu Dhabi Airport 3

Moreover, the project is designed to achieve a minimum two Pearl rating of ESTIDAMA approach towards sustainable design and minimize its impact on the environment. The BIM (Building Information Modeling) is applied & utilized across all the design and construction phases.

By | 2017-11-20T01:20:31+00:00 January 11th, 2013|News, Old From Website|Comments Off on MTB Midfield Terminal Steel Structures sub-contract for Abu Dhabi International airport

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