The Economic & Commercial Counsellor of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Dubai Visited CSCEC Middle East (L.L.C)

The Economic & Commercial Counsellor of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Dubai Visited CSCEC Middle East (L.L.C)

Mr. Jin Lei, the Chinese Economic & Commercial Counsellor of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Dubai, visited CSCEC Middle East( L.L.C) at morning of 15th , November for inspecting works.

Mr. Yu Tao, the President & CEO of CSCEC ME, expressed warm welcome to the team. During the visit, Mr. Yu Tao delivered a presentation regarding the overall business operation of CSCEC ME, especially emphasizing the achievements obtained in the Middle East. Mr. Yu also expressed the wishes on Chinese Consulate-General in Dubai would render further support to promote the infrastructure business and financial investment business development by following “One Belt and One Road” initiative.

Commercial Counsellor Mr. Jin highly appreciated the accomplishments CSCEC ME made. He expressed that he was proud of being a Chinese as these landmark buildings undertaken by CSCEC were seen as business cards to build up the branding of CSCEC and represent the image for Chinese companies. Besides, Mr. Jin committed to continue provide any possible assistance and business opportunity to CSCEC ME when undertaking future business development especially follow by “One Belt and One Road” initiative.

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By | 2017-11-20T01:34:29+00:00 November 21st, 2016|News, Old From Website|0 Comments

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